Confession: I’ve always hated the idea of a Blog

I know… It doesn’t really make sense on paper…

  • I won a county essay contest in the 8th grade. 
  • I made “good grades” in writing/ELA as a student. 
  • One of my required high school journal entries was published in my grandfather’s book. 
  • I was a senior English teacher for 2 years, for heaven’s sake. 

And I really have a hard time putting my thoughts in writing. Find it stressful, really.

I love to talk! I am a communicator by nature, but expressing myself in written form always seems like that homework assignment that I’m forcing myself to do. (Sorry for the lack of transparency to all my former students.)

But alas, I love to read, I believe in the benefits of collaboration, chances are I enjoy YOUR blog, and my @etmooc facilitators have asked for this method of communication.

So here I sit… Bracing myself to one day admit that I truly enjoy the benefits of the ole blog.

Your turn…

Let’s CommuniCATE!