
The start of a new year and the start of a new adventure… #etmooc Educational Technology and Media Massive Open Online Course. A cMOOC (connectivist) where the connections are an important part of the learning journey. I am very much a people person, so I really enjoy the connections I make online, and love when I can meet face to face. Many of my PLN I can call friends, even though we may never have met, or they are on the other side of the world.


I began my Connectivist journey in 2009 when I was lucky enough to listen to Stephen Downes speak in Melbourne. His Connectivist theories gave what I had been doing a name, and it all made sense. It really was an “A Ha” moment for me. I had been tweeting and posting in online communities for a number of years… a member of yahoo groups etc in the late 1990s, educational lists and blogs in the early 21st C and joined Twitter in 2007, gradually developing my PLN.

I have a number of blogs, this is my personal professional blog, and where I will be posting my thoughts on the etmooc as we progress. I will also be sharing on Twitter @suzi_q, as well as in the G+ community.

Although I have a lot of experience using these connections (which I am always happy to share) I always find something new when delving into the world of the MOOC. The #Change11 MOOC was huge, and I flitted in and out, listened when I could, mostly assynchronously as time zones did not favour me! I was able to glean more understanding of a range of topics which were valuable for my leadership of eLearning at my school, strategies and ideas to assist others just starting a digital journey #Digifoot12 was fantastic in showing me even more connective tools to harness the immense amount of information we have available to us, as well as further expanding my PLN, and making some really great connections.

What I hope to get out of this etmooc? It’s an adventure, I hope to make new connections, revisit older connections, reflect on how I learn, and how I can help my students to learn and through the use of ed tech become a more effective teacher!