#ETMOOC Orientation

Today was the first day of the open educational technology course called #ETMOOC that Neil posted about in December.  I rushed home from school by 4:00 pm so that I wouldn’t miss anything.  Well, I found the weblink for Blackboard Collaborate and logged into the session only to wait, and wait, and wait.  Now, I’ve done webinars before and I thought it might simply take a few minutes, but I was still waiting after 10 minutes!  So,  I decided to problem solve and went to the #ETMOOC blog.  Thankfully, there was a Twitter feed.  I’m a little scared of joining Twitter (too much information, too often) but I discovered that I wasn’t the only one having issues logging on!  Someone tweeted that they reinstalled Java and that solved all of their problems.  So thank you to my fellow #ETMOOC participant for solving my technical issue.  Now, I just have to figure out where I can listen to what I missed. . .