My First Post Ever! Introduction for ETMOOC

My Rambling Intro:

     Wow!  I never thought I would get this far.  It has been such a journey for me to be able to be here, where I am introducing myself in my own blogpost (!) for a MOOC.  My name is Jas and I am a newbie, a newbie to technology use in my classroom that is.  That almost sounds like a confession to my own ears, but it is the truth.  Just four short months ago, I did not have a website for my classroom to communicate with parents.  I attended one workshop in August at Hillcrest Elementary which turned my teaching upside down.  I was introduced to this wonderful world of educators and new ideas on Twitter.  Now Twitter just introduced me to ETMOOC just last night.  At that time I wondered to myself, “What the heck is a MOOC?”  After a quick search on the topic, I knew I had to be part of ETMOOC and learn from other educators.  So here I am, posting an introduction to my very own blog!

My Short and Sweet Intro:

     I am an elementary school teacher who job shares in two classes.  Most of my week is spent with a wonderful class of Grade 6 students and on my Fridays I am with an energetic Kindergarten class.  I take care of two classes at school, two rambunctious boys at home and I love learning new things and meeting new people.


I look forward to an interesting learning journey through ETMOOC.  I see the list of things I need to accomplish to be a part of this learning community and I am trying to check all the boxes to complete all of the tasks.  They seem daunting and I feel like I face a steep learning curve but I am excited as well.  I have already missed the Welcome and Orientation and will be teaching during the repeat session, but I hope to catch up soon.

Deep breath.  I can do it.