network error

This term could well sum up how I’m going to feel in a few months time.. 

#etmooc is just kicking off and I’m already wondering how anyone is supposed to do any genuine networking and learning. They’re using blogs, twitter, google+, email and their own website, plus running virtual classroom sessions live a few times a week. 

I opened my gmail this morning to find 60+ posts from the G+ group.. too many to read in any detail so I skimmed down the stream.  They’re all say much of the same thing so how do I pick out which are going to be of use?  It could be too early to tell. I’m not on this mooc to pick holes and write reviews. I plan to get everything I can from it and I’m glad they’ve inspired me to finally kick off my blog.

I’m also taking on another mooc at the end of this month on Coursera.. I’ve probably bitten off more than I can chew.. Network error.. network meltdown? lets hope not!