The first act! ETMOOC

Ariving late at the gate – EtMooC

Well, a lot of water has passed under the bridge in just twenty-four hours (and I still need to hit the vocabulary using a translator Portuguese to English) then begin to swim.
I watched  the introductory debate video and it was amazing the amount of knowledge sharing. I also went through the goggle +, watched some personal introductions and visited some blogs. Everything seems pretty exciting and the initial sample, I have a lot to learn.
I copied/pasted some observations from yesterday’s chat below:

  • Content is the social connector. 
  • An #etmooc is an amusement park 
  • Like a party w/ all kinds of side conversations.
  • Could not keep @hrheingold idea of attention out of my mind. Hard 2 focus 
  • Knowing how to filter and accept dissonance in information are key 
  • The information overload is slightly unnerving
  • ¡Qué lástima que Blackboard no es compatible con Chrome! ¿Es el mejor navegador de todos, no?
  •  How r u making yr learning visible? How r u contributing to learning of others? 
  • Head is still swimming from #etmooc last night. So much information. It was a-ma-zing!

And we have a colleague who is already compiling the links that appeared in yesterday’s debate and google + and twitter on the pearltree platform curation.


    Hope we could enjoy the next weeks.