this is all ye need to know: an #etmooc intro

Ted, a fellow etmoocer, says:

“Part of me is wondering why on earth I would commit to this. I am about to enter an incredibly busy two months and I have signed up to participate in this online learning experience.”

I’ve been thinking the exact same thing.  It’s almost like the more busy and stressful things become, the more MOOCs I seek out.  WTF is that all about?  The MOOC is just another time suck for procrastinators.  Who needs Facebook or Twitter when there’s the MOOC?

But the (et)MOOC is more than just a like button.  At least we’ll learn something along the way.

Tonight I learned that I don’t like Voicethread as much as I did six years ago.  Here’s my introduction for you all.  My apologies for not embedding the video in the blog.  WordPress and Voicethread don’t play nicely with each other, and I’m going to not install a VoiceThread auto embed plugin for now.
