Wow my first etMOOC session!

I am attending the orientation session as I am writing. I am feeling a trifle overwhelmed! I am loving the learning that I am doing by just listening to what people are saying and chatting about. This is going to be an amazing opportunity for me.

The things I think I am going to be able to share with my students and learn from others all over the world. Exciting but, as I said, overwhelming to think of the work I may have to do to keep up on it.

I am  an Educational Assistant primarily working with high needs students however I am within the mainstream classroom on a regular basis. Technology has been introduced to my students in the form of iPads. These devices will be such a wonderful tool for them and for us to make their world a little simpler and perhaps a peek inside for me. The apps that are available are fantastic and I can see this tool being utilized for all troubled learners as well as the mainstream student. Communication is key for my students within the school and the world.
Enough for now….