etmooc Introduction

Hello Everyone,

My name is Doug Smith and I recently joined #etmooc.  I’ll be honest here, I know very little of what #etmooc is and what it’s all about.  I tend to jump into things with both feet, if it’s something that I’m interested in or passionate about, so here I am.

I’m a high school science teacher in Vancouver BC.  I was a mechanical engineer for 15 years before deciding to change careers in 2009.  Immediately after getting my B.Ed, I entered the MET program in UBC, which I finished last August.  On top of that, I really did reading research and learning about technology.  Perhaps I’m a good fit for etmooc…

One thing that I hope to get out of etmooc is exposure to new, progressive modes of constructivist education and how dialogues between peers can be created, encouraged and fostered. It should be an interesting experience.