Musings from the #etmooc

I know, I know.  If we hear one more mention of MOOCs we are going to go berserk.  Believe me, I’m with ya.  What can I say, I just can’t help myself.

My first cMOOC.  I know, I’m sick.

This week marks the first in the education technology & media massive open online course (#etmooc) run by Alex Couros.  Mr. Couros is a professor of education technology at the University of Regina in Canada.  

I am excited to experience this course for a couple of different reasons.  The main reason is that this is my first experience with a cMOOC, also known as a connectivist MOOC, which Dave Cormier, Stephen Downes, George Siemens, and Howard Rheingold do a great job explaining here.  I have worked mostly within the content and task driven MOOC environments, which seem to be more linear than the #etmooc potentially will be.  

As part of the course, I will be posting here about the experience.  Please let me know your thoughts.  If you are a classmate, I look forward to learning from you.