Orientation Night

Well, maybe it is because I am still a little sick from the flu, but my head is still swimming with information from last night’s orientation session.  Not really sure how to retain all of that information and translate it into meaningful learning.  I am definitely going to have to watch it over again (and then maybe one more time!).

It was the first time for me to use the online learning platform and I had a few minor glitches at the beginning.  I was a little intimidated to ask questions on the technical aspects because I felt like I if I couldn’t figure out how to watch the presentation, then maybe I shouldn’t be taking the class.  I am glad that I asked, and was really surprised at how quickly my questions were answered.  So thanks to those of you who helped me out (sorry, it was moving so fast I didn’t get a chance to look at the names).

I thought I should maybe select one topic that we will be focusing on in the course to talk about in this blog, but they all seem so interesting to me.  I know a little bit about most of the topics, but am so looking forward to expanding my knowledge in all of the areas.

I can not believe how many new things that I have learned in the last little while.  I just signed up for my twitter account (@barbreimer) a few months ago after reading about teachers using twitter in our local union paper.  My twitter account eventually led me to people talking about mooc’s … That’s how I stumbled across this course – I hadn’t even heard of mooc’s until a few weeks ago!  I am hoping that I can watch the twitter session tonight for some more pointers and maybe some twitter etiquette.

Another new thing for me is google+.  Which I must say, I love!  I have signed up for a few different communities, and while I haven’t posted anything (yet), I am super happy with absorbing as much information as I can from all of the amazing people with whom I am now connected.

I really feel like a kid in a candy store.  To borrow from a fellow ‘moocer’ – I am such a lerd! (learning nerd)    My brain really does feel like it is going into overdrive (again, could be the flu, but I have my doubts).  I have to now sift through all of the information given from last night’s talk to pick out what will be useful and meaningful for me.  Let the fun begin!