Week 1 – initial findings

It does not matter how slow you go so long as you do not stop.Wisdom of Confucius

I thought this proverb captured how I am feeling right now.  There are so many great tools being discussed in this MOOC, and I find I am getting overwhelmed with wanting to try them all.  Haiku, Google+, tweet deck, twitter chat, effectively using tags, etc…  Some many interesting ideas coming out people’s participation – such little time ;0).  

I am particularly thankful for the link to Dave Cormier’s video on “Success in a MOOC” http://youtu.be/r8avYQ5ZqM0

  1. Orient
  2. Declare
  3. Network
  4. Cluster
  5. Focus

I now understand that a MOOC is only as good as my understanding of what I want to get out of the experience.  Based on Dave’s advice, I plan to take some time to go through the valuable content presented and create a to do list for myself (maybe even learn to more effectively use Evernote on my iPad).  I need to make a conscious effort to engage in the dialogue and not just post links to helpful resources that I have come across (although I think it’s OK to do that as well).  

I recently got an iPad and I too want to use it as something more than a game console.  I see this mooc as an excellent excuse to do so.  

I am still moving!!!…..