ETMOOC: Twitter in a new dress!

As I said in an earlier post, I’m taking a massive open online course called “Educational Technology and Media MOOC “ETMOOC”. At the same time, I’m taking other 2 online courses; EVO 2013 Neuroscience in Education session and DiffiMOOC offered by the University of Alaska Southeast’s School of Education. However, ETMOOC attracted my attention. Those people to whom I connected via Google + community are so awesome. They are multi-expert educators with a huge experience in different fields. How can I catch up with all this flow of information, resources, tools, ideas, …. ? I attended one of the Twitter Live Chats today and can’t keep up with all these tweets. I created a Twitter account 3 years ago. I sometimes use it to share some of my blog’s posts or some resources that I find valuable for other teachers. I always ask myself “What is the potential of Twitter for me as a teacher and for students? I think that this course will provide me with some ideas for making use of this tool to the fullest. The coming weeks will bring more surprises.

Week 1 Task … 

In the first week, we were asked to introduce ourselves using a variety of tools such as YouTube, Windows Movie Maker, Screenr xtranormal … etc. I selected Smore to create a flyer including words, pictures, videos and links to other websites. I hope it would be a good intro to help others know something about myself and my projects.