Help refugee journalists get connected

Hi #etmoocers, my focus this course will be on educational chances for refugees and (un)documented migrants worldwide. How can they benefit from our interconnectedness and join? In Kakuma refugee camp, there’s a group of refugee journalists devoting their time to reflecting on refugee life and trying to improve the refugee situation worldwide. They’ve been writing the Kanere Refugee Newspaper (online) for several years ( Now, they started a fundraising campaign to accomplish two goals: opening an office space in the camp, and extending their online work with printed copies for the people in the camp. Athough this might not seem to have to do much with#etmooc , I do want to share it with you. This initiative connects refugees ‘locked up’ in a Kenyan desert to the rest of the world. The Kanere journalists might be able to reach other refugees and help them educate themselves online. So, I donated a small amount to this project, and I hope you will too! Many thanks, Sofie.

Check out their sshort movie about the journalists and their work in the camp:

And the link to the fundraising page: