Making My Learning Visible

After quite a whirlwind of a week, I feel like I can finally take a breath.  There were many challenges to overcome before I could answer the question, “How do I make my learning visible?”  Actually let me rephrase that…There was much learning I had to do before I could share it with the world.

I learned about Blackboard Collaborate.  I learned I cannot use it with Windows 8 and I cannot use it with my MacBook Pro OSX because I use Chrome, but I can access it on my iPad.

I learned that even if I miss a Blackboard Collaborate session, I can access it on the ETMOOC archives.

I learned a lot about other teachers around the world by reading and viewing their introductions.  I learned about Google+ and Google Circles. By learning about other teachers, I learned about ways to digitally share information.  I decided to explore some of these ways.  I was intrigued by Haiku Deck and decided to play with it.

Here is my HaikuDeck about my learning journey.
(I hope this link works 🙂

Showing My Learning Journey