Drum Roll Please….the Introduction!

Hello, all. It took me awhile to finish what you will see as “The Introduction: Glenn Hervieux, Sisqitman“. I used Linoit, which provides a canvas to put different elements on, including text, pictures, video, etc. It will give you a quick picture of where I’ve come, what I value, and some of the reasons why I chose to participate in the #ETMOOC course, along with so many of you. I hope it will help give more of a “face” to who I am as “Sisqitman”. It’s been really fun getting to watch videos and post about who you are and also read the tremendous responses to the Open Course concept and engaging in kind of a really organic, topics and people from many walks of life. I think the thing I’m working on the most right now is being myself and letting that be enough. It’s a battle, isn’t it, to express ourselves and remember that it’s not about us, but about what we are able to give to others and the impact we can make in so many ways.

Okay, so here are some things I’ve been thinking about that I want to work on this year and that I’m using the #ETMOOC to jump start in my life. Here are some key goals as I enter into this unique learning experience:

Goal #1: Engage The Conversation – the ETMOOC is a platform that encourages open learning – kind of an organic learning experience – loose structure & dynamic conversations and sharing – one path to connected learning & one where I can gauge my own learning. It gives us a chance to tell our story and hear from others.
Goal #2: Explore different topics of interest with others and encourage others in the process
Goal #3: Work at trying and integrating different platforms for The Conversation – Twitter, Google +, Blogs, Email, etc.
Goal #4: Take in, but give out: Ask the questions – How am I making my learning visible? How am I contributing to the learning of others? Work at building more reflection into my work and interaction with others – recording my thoughts & experiences in a blog & push out on Twitter. As Joe Dillon (@onewheeljoe) said, take advantage of “Remixing participant reflections to support my own.”
Goal #5: Work at handling the challenge of information overload – engaging Web 2.0 apps is like drinking from a fire hose – and doing it with skill so that it’s not overwhelming, but stimulating takes practice and patience. Let’s help each other drink well.
Goal #6: Having fun being myself. Jenny Ankenbauer ‏@jankenb2 shared, “An #etmooc is an amusement park. What do you feel like doing this visit & what will you save for the next?” For me, the first session with Alec Couros @courosa was a veritable ocean of chaotic fun. And it’s been fun to just get into the flow of #ETMOOC. I’ve felt many different emotions and tried to be transparent in a healthy way. I’m working to keep it fun. So let’s ride this roller coaster and let go of the handle!