Wading through the MOOC

By the time I got online Tuesday night, the java app installed to allow access to ellu Blackboard collaborate, the slide in front of me looked like a wordle had become part of a this your brain on drugs commercial … and my brain was now on drugs.  During the question period someone astutely put forward the question, how and I suppose to learn from the mess of information in front of me. There were a couple of good answers of which I have now forgot but that question got me thinking about how I planned on attacking this beast, what I wanted to get from the experience, and more importantly what could I share with the community.  So, what I decided I wanted to take a cue from the Obvious to you – Derek Sivers video and try my hand (in a smaller way) exactly what Alex was doing.  So along with tweeting, participating in google+, and blogging I am going to host a series of google hangouts each Saturday on things that I have a little knowledge to share but would also hope to learn more from all of you. I will do two each week one at 11:00 am EST and one at 7:00 pm EST. This week I’d like to try answer or with assists from those who join me come up with a number of solutions on just how best to process all this information. What tools and strategies are you using and what new cool stuff have you already picked up this week that you think will help. I hope you’ll join me. I’ll be using Google Hangouts so if you don’t get in, please join us by following the broadcast on YouTube and tweeting your thoughts. I’ll do my best to watch the backchannel.

01/19/13: Wading through the MOOC – how are you participating what tools are you using what has worked so far and what hasn’t.

01/26/13: Tools, Tools and more Tools –  As an Instructional Technologist supporting Faculty, Students and running our Media Center I come across a lot of great tools that make things go just a little bit smoother. I’ll show you mine if you’ll show me yours.

02/02/13: Let’s talk integration – Technology is great but its all about the learning. Let’s talk about best practices for integrating projects and tools into courses and classroom and avoiding technology for technology’s sake.

02/09/13: Project Share – Its time to brag got a cool project that you, your students, colleagues did or maybe just discovered and you gotta share.

02/16/13: But how do I assess it? – This is big interest of mine but I’ll be honest I can’t claim much expertise. This will be a discussion of how are you assessing media projections and what is the future of assessment.

02/23/13: Digital Literacy – Isn’t everything digital literacy? This has been a big stick of mine. Whether writing, reading, audio, visual, spatial, data, information or even social interaction. What is uniquely digital is pretty small.  Is it just the presents of technology in our everyday lives that have now made it this term so prevalent? Can we use it as a trojan horse for other much neglected literacy?

03/02/13: Promoting Literacy – How is your school promoting Digital Literacy?

03/09/13: SXSW edu Recap – YAY!! I’m going to SXSW this year and they have an education conference as well I’ll recap everything I learned from the week.

03/16/13: SXSW Interactive Recap – Also, attending the Interactive, Music, and Film Festival I’ll share anything I find that will impact education.

03/23/13: Say Cheese! What is your digital snap shot – How do you self promote/monitor your digital identity?

03/30/13: Takeaways – Let’s create a top ten takeaways from the #etmooc

The Google+ community has an events section I’ll add all of these this evening.