You can bring a horse to water

Is it just me or am I the only person in my building who is excited about technology? I sent out a email asking if anyone else was taking etmooc……. crickets. For most of my career, I have been the go to person when you had a question. Yes, we have people in the building who are paid to do this task. For the most part they are too involved with extracurricular activities and administrative duties to be of much help. So I get called on a lot to do some of these tasks. The problem isn’t really doing them but the fact that teachers could do these tasks if they cared to learn. Luckily, I have students who I can trust to help me out with this. The tasks take time out my day. So at the end of the day, I am stuck finishing up my work while everyone else is running for the door. Technology is supposed to make your job easier, but I have found that blissful ignorance of technology makes your life easier. Why worry about technology, when someone else will do it for you. To be continued