GOOGLE + HANGOUT on etmooc in CMC11

Last week I held a Google + Hangout for a MOOC that has been running since September 2011, Creativity and Multicultural Communication. Jim Stauffer joined me and we had a new MOOCer who was starting her engagement (and perhaps struggled a bit and yet, we managed to communicate on several different levels).

I met Jim Stauffer in Second Life a few years back when we both were participating in PLENK 2010.  We connected there and have continued our conversations over the ensuing time.  Jim is located in the far Northwest Territories, and at this time, I am in Floirida (one of the southernmost spots in the US.

Jim and I started talking about different learning preferences, MOOC engagement, educational technology, assorted tools and techniques in learning engagement and a stream of thoughts and possibilities.  I suggested Jim would find etmooc an interesting one … and he is now registered and participating.

I thought this recording of the hangout might be of interest to some folks as it demonstrates many of the advantages of the cMOOC learning journeys and the fruitful cross pollination of MOOCs as well as participants.

The piece is 20 minutes …