
I have been out of the classroom and a Vice Principal for three years and found the creative process needed to produce this video very challenging.  In my former life, as a classroom teacher, I created both video and slide presentations on a regular basis.  I used technology daily in both my personal and professional life. My move to Admin came with a personal belief that technology is the way of the future but I am no longer using many of the creative aspects.

When I saw this challenge and I thought, “Well this doesn’t sound that bad.”  Then I began to think about making a video.  I went online and looked at some of the work and began to panic.  I looked at my pictures files to trying to find a set to speak about me.  I located some pictures but ideas about what to do with them stalled.

………Four days later I came up with an idea.   I’m all about thinking time and allowing students ‘wait time’ when discussing their thinking.  My idea of ‘thinking time’ and ‘wait time’ has undergone a significant adjustment. As Elmore says, “we learn to do the work by doing the work.” We all need to experience just how difficult ‘being creative’ is and how much ‘time wasting’ is ‘thinking time.’   Intellectually, I knew that creativity on demand was difficult, but until I actually had to do it, I did not appreciate the complexity.