Making My Learning Visible

Part of the emphasis of the Educational Technology & Media course that I’m taking right now (ETMOOC) is to make your learning visible.  Lately I have not been reflecting here on my learning, despite the fact I’ve been learning a lot in my new position this school year.  I’m going to have to change that.  What I have done though, is create a blog to highlight the work of students and to update their parents on what we have been doing in class.  The blog is called TWIG, short for This Week In Gifted and is located here.  The TWIG blog it is intended more as a weekly update for parents and is not a place where I reflect.  What I have done is attempted to provide links to the resources I’ve used, or that have inspired a lesson.  If you are a grade 1 – 5 teacher you may find this aspect of the blog useful.

Thanks for reading this.  If you have a moment, perhaps you could share how you are making your learning visible.