See Me – Feel Me – Hear My Avatar Intro for Etmooc

OK lets try this again. Heres my new intro for #etmooc .I whipped out a quick intro late last night before I had wordpress and the etmooc hub set up. The class hasn’t even started and I’ve already learned a lot. Its forcing me to finally get around to setting up wordpress correctly, learn new twitter tricks, and start blogging. I used Tellagami to make this video. It was pretty easy using the app on my phone.I positioned the character where I wanted him, then all I had to do was paste the text in for each section in 30 second segments. Then the character voice took over. Its a little weird but it could be used in an educational setting easily. Have a look at the video and see what you think. Its a little about me written tongue in cheek after listening too Tommy the rock opera to many times.