#etmooc, allow me to introduce myself

Hey #etmooc! Here are the basics:

  • My name’s Eric. I’m 26. I live in Vermont with my wife, who’s expecting our first child.
  • I’m a 7-12 special education teacher @ CMHS.
  • I’m really into educational technology and assistive tech.
  • This is my first MOOC, and first experience with online learning.

One thing I’ve learned about myself so far is that I’m not very comfortable putting myself out there in audio and video. I am a shy guy, so maybe I just find text comfortable when talking about myself. But it’s a fear I want to work through as I continue to learn and connect with other educators. I’ve had a great time in the blackboard sessions and Twitter chats so far, as well as commenting on all the lovely blogging other #etmooc participants have been doing this week. I’ve seen a lot of people making leaps and bounds in their use of technology, blogging and tweeting for the first time. I’m very comfortable making use of media in many forms, but what I really want to get out of #etmooc is the ability to be more thorough and purposeful with how I integrate ed. tech into my work with students.