
I am no stranger to blogging. I’ve had my own personal blog for 5+ years, and have a classroom blog with my partner, but this is the first time I have created a professional blog. I have wanted to blog professionally for some time now, but it’s amazing how one wonders: what I have to say – is it important? With all the amazing blogs out there – is mine relevant? I have learned a lot from my job share partner (@teacherdiana1) and VP (@TiaHenriksen) about taking risks and putting yourself out there. I LOVE the idea of blogging, so why has it taken me so long to create a professional site? It is a complex thing with me – on one hand I love the comfort of security, and in the other I crave the excitement of what has not yet been explored.

I considered myself to be a very “with it” educator – I have always been open to new ideas and I foster positive relationships with both students and parents. Then I heard George Couros (@gcouros) speak at our school during a summer Professional Development Day. Gasp – I don’t have a Twitter account! I was not a stranger to social media, as well as writing my own personal blogs (until my second child was born) and I have been the webmaster for my son’s minor hockey team for the past 3 years. BUT I did not have a Twitter account. I have Facebook, so what’s the difference? Honestly, I could care less what Beyonce has to tweet! Then, as an educator, I got educated. Motivated by George at our summer Pro-D, and the encouragement of my amazing VP, Tia Henrikson, I created a Twitter account. I have not looked back since.

I recently saw a presentation by Bill Ferriter (@plususin) on Engaging the Digital Learner. Although I was bummed not to be able to be a part of the dinner series, I was THRILLED to be able to attend an after-work-session the day before. Bill completely inspired me. Not only is he an eloquent speaker, he is very in touch with 2013 learning. Bill challenged the way we teach – “kids want to learn, but we are a presentation driven space.” I have always been about hands-on learning, but now I have something that resonates with me. Bill spoke about KIVA, a means to give microloans to those in developing countries. I have been familiar with KIVA as my husband and I have been intrigued to contribute in the past. However, Bill opened up many other possibilities for me as an educator – why not incorporate KIVA into the classroom? There is a lot both George and Bill have left me with, as well as Tia. I feel very privileged to be a part of such an amazing group of educators – I feel completely motivated and inspired!