To link or not to link?

It has been intersting reading many blog posts, and listening to the blackboard discussion with Sue Waters, from those of us who are new to blogging struggle with questions of what to write about, who to write for, and what voice we should use. I too am struggling with all these questions as I begin my own journey into blogging. I am given a very real glimpse into the lives of my students when they are asked to write something in class, during the 60 minutes I have given them. I will likely be much more sympathetic next time I am working with a student with writers block.
interestingly, I have found that the little group of children who have started their own blogs in my class are so enthralled with the technology, and the possibility that someone will read their work, that there is no shortage of topics and motivation for them!
Am I posting out of selfish reasons if I want someone to comment back? I don’t think so. We all like to be heard, and we all like to think that what we have to say will resonate with others. Do I absolutely need someone to comment? No, I don’t think so either. I am writing for my own enjoyment, for my own reflections. Will my posts have earth shattering revelations? Not likely. Mostly I seem to want more to respond to others posts – not in a direct way, but rather to just take up ideas that I have read and then hash through my own learning. Which is not likely to lead to real innovative original work, however, it may lead to important changes in my practice. And that is enough.
My only question now is – do I post a link to my own post on twitter and google + ? or do I just leave it…