I used to be this:

But, now, thanks to my PLN, I am this (and therefore, such a better teacher):

I first joined Twitter about two years ago, but like many, I gave up for six months, then tried again. During the last year and a half, my teaching and professional sharing has changed dramatically because of my PLN. So, here are the answers to one of the questions that Alec Couros suggested we blog about:

    •  What does my PLN look like? My PLN:
      • is an informal group of people that I learn with and from
      • lives on Twitter and extends to the blogosphere
      • is my daily Professional Development
      • is a supportive group
      • communicates with me via Twitter, Google Docs, and email
      • encourages me (I presented at my first conference last fall because a member of my PLN encouraged me to – thanks @fravan)
      • has changed what I do on a daily basis during the last year and a half 
      • challenges my beliefs about teaching Spanish (I have come to dislike traditional methods and now want to do CI, TPRS, and music!)
      • shares amazing ideas and lesson plans
      • shares authentic resources (I am a Spanish teacher)
      • shares undeveloped ideas that I take, change, enhance, and use in the classroom
      • takes my ideas, makes them better and shares them again
      • exposes me to (and reminds me of) national standards, proficiency levels and the most current methodology
      • makes me love my job
      • teaches me
      • keep me open minded
      • is a group of colleagues that make me strive for excellence
  • Maybe I would have gotten to where I am without my PLN, but it might have taken 5-10 years and another master’s degree, instead of 1 and a half and daily Professional Development.
  • The second part of the quesiton is: How can I share it?
    • I can (and do) share my PLN by welcoming and encouraging new members to my PLN. I remember being new and the many people who were so open, and I want to help people have the same wonderful PLN that I have. 
    • Here is are some ideas from the #etmooc Blackboard Collaborate session on Monday, January 21:

    • My PLN is Cognitive Surplus. If you haven’t seen this Ted Talk by Clay Shirky about Cognitive Surplus, I highly recommend it! I re-listened to it on my run this morning.