Pushing My Boundries 2013-01-22 03:29:00

I joined the #etmooc late and now I am trying to catch up! WOW, a lot of information to process. I have discovered that in this learning experience I link to things I am interested in. I also jot down notes as I listen/read. I just viewed the orientation session and got some great ideas that I can use in the course I teach. I am always looking for ways to push the thinking of pre-service and in-service teachers. I feel obligated to help teacher candidates and practicing teachers use technology intentionally and strategically to support and enhance student learning. I have discovered that the best way to do this is to  expose them to these tools in learning experiences. To support students in being college and career ready, the students must be able to collaborate, take risk, and make their thinking visible. These skills will lift the thinking of all instead of just a few. #etmooc is helping me accomplish my goal!