Dipping in to #etmooc #MoocsAndMe

Last week while on MOOC related activities mainly as part of the OLDS MOOC I saw lots of tweets about #ETMOOC.  I read through a few and then predictably, even though I’m meant to be only participating in two MOOCs (the OLDSMOOC and the Edinburgh E-learning and Digital Cultures one), went to the website.
I had seen information about the #ETMOOC and signed up with the intention that I will dip into it occasionally and see what happens.  Also I noticed that they have Blackboard Collaborate sessions which might be interesting and I like seeing how different people use either Blackboard Collaborate or Adobe Connect. Also there are twitter chats which are interesting to follow.
The #ETMOOC ‘About’ section describes how it is a Connectivist MOOC with a weak centre and that it is all about learners developing their own spaces for sharing, collaboration, reflection etc.  Somehow this is reassuring – I don’t have any false expectations and I’m entering into this course very much on that basis. Also there is a lot of information about what is happening and how it is going to happen including topics and schedule and a calendar.  I’m not sure why I feel differently about this than I did when starting the OLDSMOOC – perhaps I have learnt very quickly what a Connectivist MOOC is about.  My enthusiasm is more focused but also it suits me to know exactly what’s happening and preferably to have a list. I had decided with the OLDSMOOC and, from next week, the #EDMOOC that I was going to be commited to taking part and complete as many tasks as I can whereas I am happily dipping into the #ETMOOC just for fun. (one slight worry – why do they call the organizers ‘conspirators’? – no matter)
So for Orientation week, I’ve looked at the #ETMOOC blog, I’ve followed the hashtag on twitter, I’ve joined the Google+ community, suscribed to the calendar and now I’m going to work out how to connect my blog.