ETMOOC – An Introduction

Ok, here goes: I’ve been signposted to ETMOOC ( by my colleague Richie Dunk (, with the suggestion that I might be interested. I’ve had a look, and he was right. I think ETMOOC is a great opportunity to become involved in a deeper discussion of educational technologies and I’m hoping to be able to share ideas, improve my practice and gain ideas on how and when different technologies can be used within lessons.

I am committed to a journey of continued development and improvement to help me become the best teacher I can be. That is why I started to write this blog and why I have signed up to ETMOOC. I believe that as the world is changing and technology is become such a huge part of the society as a whole, then it is certainly something we teachers must embrace as well if we are to engage pupils and deliver the best learning experience possible for them.

Filed under: etmooc Tagged: Education, etmooc, technology