Where are the Comments? Learning Communities and #etmooc

I was going to tweet this after listening to the last 15 minutes of Dean for #etmooc on connected learning tonight. My mind has been spinning. Here’s my issue. Comments can break a great blogger and no I do not mean poor comments, I mean no comments, I have been teaching blogging for gosh, three years now and it is by far my biggest complaint or issue from students. I personally don’t mind, I have not put the work into my blog to warrant the traffic YET. Notice I said yet. So here’s my question, I tell my students to be patient, to tweet, to link back to themselves, to label, so what am I missing?? I want to share, I want to build, when does one actually find themselves getting good feedback for learning on one’s blog? I think many people in this #etmooc have said it a lot this week, we have to comment on othersI have often sent out this link 7 Tips to increase your Blog Comments, please take a read and I would truly like to know what my new community and friends think of increasing good content on your blog? When do my students and myself become like Dean or Alec, who I imagine get to learn from their own blogs everyday.. ???

I’ll in turn promise that for every blog post I write such as this. I shall go through the etmooc blogs and comment on 10 others. Call it a new years resolution I think I can keep. 🙂

I would be remiss If I did not thank Alec as already my own traffic and learning network has increased in 10 days. Thanks putting together such a great community of learners at etmooc!