Fortune Cookie

Once Upon a Timing

Twenty days into the new year I opened my first Chinese Fortune Cookie of 2013. It read: “I am always doing that which I cannot do in order that I may learn how to do it.” Social protocol calls for a dramatic pause followed by two more words; but, I’d like to steer your mind out of the gutter. What a relateable fortune. It was as if it was truly meant for me — a whisper in my ear that instilled a sense of reality. A newly crowned Master of Education doesn’t just arrive with the turn of a tassel, instead it is a kick-start to building my personal brand. Inspired by a  blogpost as well as some advice from a seasoned veteran in the field, also known as my younger sister, I joined a new teacher online community. I did so despite the urge to silence my inner most thought, “You don’t need to do that because you’re a substitute teacher, an adjunct professor, a most-time stay at home mom…it’s just one more thing to manage.”

A split end…Had to hold him after the picture.

 A day in the life of a Professor Mom

* Last night my sleep was interrupted by the cry of a teething 15-month old. Poor guy!

* I missed an opportunity to substitute teach because I left my gadgets in the office while studying for an exam the night before.

* The missed opportunity was offset with a phone call from my supervisor extending another  teaching opportunity at the community college. I happily stopped preparing dinner for the crock-pot to jot down the details. Fellow moms know that taking a phone call is not an easy endeavor!

* My daughter and I joined my son in celebrating a milestone: 1st haircut. There was not much to celebrate, he hated it. Period.

Nonetheless, back to building my personal brand…I joined the online community in good conscience. I silenced the internal monologue and channeled my inner pirate with a deep-belly ”Carpe diem“ served with a side of fist pump action that would do Pat Croce proud. Amist the chaos that surrounds the daily grind I have to admit that timing does not always align with my agenda but there is fortune at the crossroad of every opportunity whether or not we can do it…in bed. (Hey!)