Spending Time, Saving Time… Thinking and Reflecting

I caught two etmooc sessions this week, but I was not able to give my undivided attention to the Blackboard sessions due to work and family obligations. I plan on heading back this weekend when I have a chance to watch the two recorded sessions. I am, however, still organizing and sharing my resources and links. I finally dropped Scoop.it in favor of Pinterest. I can still share with Pinterest, and I can keep as ,many different boards or categories as I like (makes room for my Star Wars pin board) where on Scoop.it I was only allowed five different categories. I also like Pinterest’s integration with my Mac, iPhone, and iPad – far superior to Scoop.It.

One of the things I am completely amazed at is all the amount of time that some people are able to dedicate to the etmooc. My email is being swamped from the Google+ community – I’m going to have to stop the automatic email updates. I don’t know if it’s just the mass amount of people involved here, or my inability to spend time concentrating on the etmooc topics and events. I’m not going to stop moocing – I’m looking forward to the future sessions and catching up with the ones I’ve missed – it’s just that I don’t know how people find the time! Definitely a topic I hope we cover – and also something that my organizing has been helping with. By streamlining my own workflow of gathering ideas and sharing, I feel I’ll be able to more easily share and update my resources. I’d like to connect either my Diigo categories or my Pinterest boards with my different class blogs – gathering and curating resources for my students to use for class.

For now – I have just enough time to get this post done before bed. As a band director and music teacher I’m at work after school hours on almost a daily basis. I also teach seven different courses during my 8 period school day (two are grouped together into one class). Between after school rehearsals, meeting for the band’s 501(c)3 foundation, arranging music for my various ensembles, doing lesson plans, and working on my district’s music curriculum re-write – I really need help streamlining this process and training myself to make the upkeep of my PLN and reflective blogging more habitual.

Is anyone else experiencing these issues of having enough time?