Connecting: Doing It Without Trying (sorta)

This week was a lesson in overdoing.

In my classroom, we’re excited about an upcoming field trip where we will be “mission specialists” on a Moon Mission… I just finished “interviewing” all the “job applicants” and will spend the weekend placing everyone in their job positions so they can begin specific job training.  One thing they’ll all have to do is send a message of introduction to a NASA mission specialist, asking about THEIR job. (connecting…mmmm?)

Meanwhile, grad school has turned into an exercise in being overqualified for the class.  After sharing with the group (connecting…mmmm) an experience in being proactive as a teacher leader, my professor sends me a note telling me (TELLING ME) I don’t need this class, so he’s going to rework MY lessons so I can help him CO-TEACH the others. (oh boy…)  Somewhere in all of this, I do believe I’ve just met my Teacher Leader mentor (connecting…mmm!)

Finally, I just finished watching Alex Couros’ (@courosa)  webinar “Introduction to Connected Learning“.  The bit about learning outside the classroom hit home.  The world is our classroom; we learn from each other.  There is no one expert on any particular topic, but a billion different experts, all willing and ready to add to the conversation.  How we choose to grow personally and professionally is dependent on who we connect to, how we connect to them, and when, where and why we connect with others.  How amazing is that concept?



What do you want to learn?  Who can you connect to to learn it?  What did YOU learn this week?