Entering the Waters Slowly

I have spent an inordinate amount of time downloading YouTube videos on how to setup and use HootSuite, which also motivated me to setup a Google + page. I’m still a fumbling tweeter. My online practice continues to be hindered by the on-and-off nature of my ISP, compounded by electrical brownouts.


I watched and listened to the enjoyable archived etMOOC BlackBoard Collaborate session by Sue Waters on blogging. My takeaway: Blogging first requires a lot of reading and reflecting as the foundation for blogging. As one blogs, one becomes more comfortable with sharing the personal learning. During the BB session someone in the chat wrote: “We write ourselves into being.” That rang very true to me.  I graduated from an intensive undergraduate program that required lots of reading, reflection and writing—integrating poetry, stage plays and fiction on a weekly basis. At least two writing assignments per week were required. It was a journey of increasing skill in writing, self-discovery and evolving persona. But I was so exhausted that it took me years afterwards to pick up any of such genre again. That may partially explain why I’m entering the blogging waters slowly.