Ailsa’a Mooching 2013-01-27 05:15:00

This is my introductory post for ETMOOC. I am Ailsa Haxell, I’m a senior lecturer at AUT in NZ currently teaching papers that include mega sized classes of approximately 1000 students in the Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences. As well as much smaller classes in the post grad papers to do with learning and teaching for clinical educators. I have just completed my phd (i hope) titled Enactments of Change: Becoming Textually Active at Youthline NZ but have yet to hear back… I am therefore hoping that i might have time to be fully present for this MOOC as I enjoyed CCK08 and revisited MOOCs twice since. Though my time was limited, i do enjoy these. The digital literacy arena provides a space that brings to the fore questions of just what is involved and just what goes on. I’m looking forward to exploring especially how assemblages create and validate knowledge, as well as how such assemblage also shape us as much as we think we are shaping them. My interest is in exploring these issues informed by actor-network theory (ANT). All going well, It’ll be “sweet as” (NZ slang for all being good. For those visiting who might be unused to MOOCs this one is themed on educational technology and media, hence titled ETMOOC , its open , feel free to join in at any stage.