My PLN … on fire!

Over the Aussie school holidays, I have managed to connect with a couple of teachers who will be teaching the same level as me. I tweeted out just after Christmas that I had just read a brilliant book, Wonder that I thought I would use with my 5/6 class in term 1. I have blogged about that here. This tweet has lead to a great sharing of resources and information that I may otherwise not have found.


(and I also reveal to you my love for stationery!)

I have also enjoyed #summerbookclub over the holidays organised by @corisel. Each Sunday evening, we have participated in a twitter chat about what professional reading we have been doing and how it may effect our practice. This has been a lively discussion each week and I now have a growing list of must reads because of it.

Tonight, we have been sharing our thoughts on #whyilovegoingbacktoschool and it so So heartening to read all of the responses and realise that education in Australia is in the hands of some very dedicated and switched on teacher/learners.


In what ways has your PLN stretched your thinking, opened up new ideas or supported you in the last couple of weeks?