ETMchat – flooding around – week 2

Last week (January 23) we had another #etmchat in MOOC #etmooc. It was more an experience of “to use or not to use” twitter as a Pandora’s box, as well as one of the participants said at #etmchat.

We had in one hour of chat an exchange of experiences, ideas, concepts  and it was so productive for everyone, I think.

Although we focus on two basic guiding themes:

  • the moment of real connection in social networks, and how to improve your Personal Learning Network (PLN). and
  • Joichi Ito´s definition of education (or learning), 

the conversation was extended from hardware issues, through use of softwares tools/apps, and certainly on the two guiding themes.

There were approximately 1200 twits on various topics, which, doing the math, were approximately: 20 twits per minute or 1 tweet every 3 seconds.

How to follow this madness? I used the app Archivist to catch quite all the twits and tried trough a spreadsheet separate the main streams, as we can see in the samples below.

Q1a:  We´ve talked abt connecting, sharing & networks. Think of a time when u really clicked w someone. how’d you know you connected? #etmchat

  • I, through the webinar with @shareski, got reminded that I’m not alone out here. #etmchat
  • Learned that it is our ethical responsibility to share. #etmchat
  • I learned time is precious, sleep is rare, and narrow focus is unnatural to me
  • I learned time is precious, sleep is rare, and narrow focus is unnatural to me
  • also learned that an astronaut dropping a puck in space is magic. #etmchat
  • I learned that we don’t agree on how to assess learning that happens this way #etmchat
  • I learned about accountability in sharing by @shareski plus that I should blog more and definitely chat more on twitter.
  • Used learning to share to share with teachers, how vulnerable I feel about #lipdub. We are all putting ourselves out there. #etmchat
  • learned today to help my college son be patient with college media teachers who don’t allow smartphone or laptops in class! #etmchat
  • that comments on blogs actually mean something and we need to do it more often #etmchat
  • hmmm…  i married it…  then the connection was gone, so I divorced it… lol #etmchat
  • I know I connect with someone when we can challenge each other and cause shifts in mindset. #etmchat
  • Can critique each other without offending. Honesty and trust! #etmchat
  • Knew I really connected with someone when the first time we met f2f was like we weren’t meeting for the first time #etmchat
  • when you can bounce ideas off one another, you know you’re onto something worthwhile…  🙂  #etmchat
  • When I realized how sharing ideas can transform people’s work and empower them to do amazing things, right @kristenswanson?
  • I’ve connected with other people online and helped them learn new things.  I knew we’d connected when they shared back with me
  • Connection happens with some sharing (background, idea, resource, whatev) and grows from there. #etmchat
  • G+ Hangouts invaluable connecting with colleagues around the world. Getting a glimpse of teachers’ lives outside my school. #etmchat
  • when I found out other techies (@brendasherry, @kerryz) were knitters, too – it’s a community within the community. #etmchat
  • Profound connections when you are excited when the other person challenges you & you construct knowledge together. #etmchat
  • when your disagreements are about the thinking and leave you both feeling like you’ve changed your minds for the better #etmchat
  • I’ve used Google + hangouts to get to know students from afar, made real connections that were reinforced face to face. #etmchat Q1
  • On an instinctual level, I think.  A sense of ease in the conversation.  #etmchat.
  • When connection translates to collaboration and peer mentoring!
  • make connections by talking and sharing ideas with others.
  • Really clicked? Couldn’t stop talking sharing listening..felt exhilarating #etmchat
  • Strength of weak tie evident when both ignite on a topic or when one doesn’t agree. Debate on. 1 + 1 = 3.
  • Personality comes through when geeking out together on some seemingly small thing. Starts trust, openness to exchanging #etmchat
  • sometimes making those just so connections is serendipity: there will always be could been a contenda ones you miss #etmchat
  • Learned about wordpress plug in called sensei #etmchat #etmooc make a wordpress class
  • but don’t dwell on the ones you miss: like buses, another will be along soon #etmchat
  • ~ blog post, comment, convo thrd catches my attention; next follow, comment when spontaneous #etmchat

Q1b What strategies can/might/have you draw(n) from that experience to craft your Personal Learning Network? #etmchat

  • hmm. That what is to be gained is sometimes in a 1:1 ratio with risk, and that this is good.
  • A1b:  “If you build it, they will come.” lol #etmchat
  • Follow people whose tweets and blogs challenge you, extend your thinking, and resonate. #etmchat
  • A1b; got pointed in the direction of @dougpete to start off with, looked at who he followed, grew from there! #etmchat
  • A1b- UGL: Curation, Reflection & Contribution #etmchat
  • Starting conversations by asking good questions, observing rather than judging, actively seeking out voices outside my pln #etmchat
  • I see people’s connections and connect with those… even something so little as reading a tweet teaches me new things  #etmchat
  • Follow people who do inspiring things, who have ideas and share. Share back and pass the inspiration forward.
  • Ditto all that about finding people who extend your thinking. Do that by looking across diff networks (personal, biz, other) #etmchat
  • – find a few really solid connections, and others will slowly fill in. #etmchat
  • Loooove tangents and exploring them to learn more… keeps things interesting #etmchat
  • I am also starting to pay more attention to who I delete from my PLN. Kind of a trial run for a bit. But then…edit #etmchat
  •  Strategies that focus on active listening.  And more importantly, meaningful sharing. #etmchat
  • Look for a couple of heavy hitters in the area of interest, watch who they follow and look for some naysayers too – stay honest #etmchat
  • It is not infowhelm. It’s a river flowing. Can’t/won’t drink it all. But when I’m thirsty, man, I know where to go!
  • (slow here, not the time to be multitasking) keep the conversation going, share, grab rss. Gr8 to meet again nxt mooc too.  #etmchat
  • A1b. Cater your twitter PLN over time. I keep my account educational – teachers, admin, parents, some organizations, etc. #etmooc
  • on Twitter don’t be afraid to follow then unfollow. You’ll soon figure out who you want/need in your #PLN. #etmchat

Q2 Joichi Ito says education is a process of becoming a node in broad network of distributed creativity. Wht does this mean to you? #etmchat

  • I don’t have all the answers, but I need to be able to access them – and the same goes for others through me. #etmchat
  • if you’re a node, you’re adapting to other nodes, and constantly changing… great! 🙂 #etmchat
  • means keeping the network going–sharing, making visual learning, connecting, and responsibility #etmooc #etmchat
  • This means that intellectual value is generative, not fixed. The more we share, the more we all learn. #etmchat
  • A2. The process of knowing is ongoing and organic, and occurs in context. #etmchat #etmooc
  • Being an integral piece of a community of generating ideas to create something that benefits all #etmchat
  • for some knowledge, you might be a node, but for others, you might be a hub, and have lots to offer. Both roles important!  #etmchat
  • My name is Will and I am a node. #etmchat Now is @etmooc the architecture of this neural pathway that I have become a part?
  • Being a node in network of creativity means *I* have to be part of that creativity and add to it! #etmchat
  • Very much like the focus on education as “creative”.. not just dispensing knowledge and skills. #etmchat
  • We’re all nodes in some sort of network. Humanity itself is such a network. The Internet simply connects all people. #etmchat
  • info people ideas flowing thru multiple directions receiving sending sharing creating connections #etmchat
  • #etmchat Not last node at end of line. Rather, nestled in a network, continually receiving, embellishing, sending to others
  • Looking for a quote I heard about heuristics being additive (no luck yet). Value of broad network/creativity. Heuristics mashups #etmchat

Thanks eb for sharing.