ETMOOC – Introductions

I am a little late out of the gate on this one. Since the idea of making a video of “me” was not something I was keen on, I thought I would keep it simple. I decided to use  I had started it awhile ago and never finished it.   Today, I decided to add to it and post it on the #etmooc google community.

Here’s the link:

If I had more time (ie. if we were doing this in the summer when I wasn’t teaching), I think I would make a video showing pictures that represent ME.  The picture on my is from my classroom. I use HP tablets PCs to teach Math that we received through an HP Grant.  The last year and a half, I’ve been focused on the tablets, so that is why I chose it as my background.

I am looking forward to being part of #etmooc and hope I can contribute as much as I know I will get out of it.
