Time to Connect the Dots…and #MOedchat

Saw this tweet today…

…and this tweet yesterday from #educon

The tweet from Annie Palmer (@palmeram) and the motivating Dr. William Hite (@sdphite) #educon presentation kicked up a little dirt in my brain; and when the dust settled I could see clearly. Yes, indeed. It’s time to purposely and deliberately CONNECT with other educators more often; time to take that step beyond simply communicating. Let’s connect the dots and create pathways for collaboration. Commenting on a blog or replying to tweets or participating in an edchat or #edcamp would be a great place to start. How many times have I read a blogpost that made me think, but I didn’t take 1 minute to comment? Plenty of times! A few words of support and connection will suffice. I’m adding a new goal to my LIFT app.

Educators like to be engaged about their thoughts and ideas, and they like to help make things happen. They just need to be pulled into the conversation and the fun. Let’s make this #eduparty bigger and better….and truly more connected. It will benefit the kids and heck all of us for that matter. This purposeful connecting is key as John C. Maxwell says clearly in his book, Everyone Communicates, Few Connect

To start my purposeful connecting and engaging,  I direct messaged Annie today and this is just one bit of our ‘connection.’ 

She is a Missouri educator in a neighboring district to mine. I was glad I DM’d her and established a communication pathway for the future. I can’t wait to read the book. πŸ™‚

I am quite excited for #MOedchat which kicks off its inaugural chat this week! Talk about an ideal vehicle for connecting, engaging, and collaborating. Andy King (@motechtrainer ) is the person responsible for reaching out and connecting MO educators with a tweet, a google doc, and ideas for starting a regular #MOedchat. Thanks, Andy! Without his efforts to engage us in the planning process, we wouldn’t be doing this. 

By the way, our first #MOedchat is this Thursday at 9pm CST; it continues every Thursday, same time. We welcome all Missouri educators but we welcome with open arms educators from all over the world. #MOedchat is another venue for educators to CONNECT and gain the knowledge that they have a voice in education! It’s liberating and powerful.

Check out just a few of the connections/collaborations between MO educators and even @cybraryman1 during the #MOedchat planning process! 

 MO educators google doc list–add your name!

Have a wonderful week and may you connect some dots and bring others into the fold!