Capri’s Blue Grotto

Creative Commons License Island Journey Reprise by Ivan Chew is licensed under a Attribution Noncommercial (3.0).

While looking for a background image for my page, I was enjoying my pictures of Italy from the summer of 2011. One of the highlights of the trip was a visit to the Blue Grotto on the island of Capri. I appreciated Serge Puchinsky’s post about the Advanced Blogging webinar and how he plans to put into practice what he has learned in ETMOOC for his posts. So I challenged myself to make a video about this amazing experience. The people we shared a boat with had been to Capri 3 times before but could not get into the cave because the waves were too high but we had perfect weather.

My friend insisted that I had to wear capri pants in Capri, so I did (even though it was much too hot!)

I tried using Youtube’s video editor but was not able to add pictures along with video. Instead, I made a Windows Live Movie Maker video. I would never have chosen WMM a couple of years ago over a web tool, but Movie Maker has become really intuitive and has many features that allow you to personalize your video. It probably would have been easier to make an Animoto, but it’s great to try new things and learn new skills!

You can read more about the Blue Grotto here. This is a video that shows where the light actually comes into the sea cave under the water: