First step in the right direction!

My blog feels more like a show and tell today.  I am really happy with what happened.  Today I taught two classes (Kindergarten & 2nd grade) using ebooks.  We had a great time!  The students were engaged and excited to see my Ipad.  I used the free ebooks Chocolate Attack by, Crystal Mack and Greedy Crow by,  Jason Harris.  We listened and watched the stories come to life and afterward, using Educreations, a whiteboard app, we drew a venn diagram and compared/contrasted the two stories.  It was GREAT!!  Finally, since we had a little time left, we used Toontastic app to create our own story.  They really loved seeing their class name scrolling in the credits!  It’s really short, but they had fun chosing the setting, characters and narrating.  Here is the second grade story by Ms. Martin’s class.