Like Bamboo…

I have been feeling a little overwhelmed with all my recent connections–incoming emails, reading others’ blog posts and pursuing Twitter, aka “building my PLN.”  After today’s etmooc session on Rhizomatic Learning with Dave Cormier and in order to avoid ‘snapping’ I have decided to be like bamboo.

Flexible:  I will be open to others’ ideas, thoughts and interests. I will accept that there will be times when I can’t do it all–that’s what archived sessions are for.

Resilient:  I will try and and re-try.  The learning curve will be huge at times but I will remember Kristen Swanson’s words from today’s session and “let my learning percolate.”   The complex/complicated/chaotic/simple slide is going to be one that “percolates” for awhile I am sure.  Once I get it I will blog about it–probably at 4 am no less!  I am thinking of cooking in order to make it resonate for me.

Responsive:  I will be responsible for my learning and help the learning of others by sharing what I know.  I will ask for help when I am struggling and extend a hand to others.

Adaptive:  I will participate in the sessions and take from them the pieces of learning that I want–adjust the thoughts/ideas to fit what I may know or want to know about.  In today’s session Dave spoke about a learning contract and I was having a hard time with the word ‘contract’–I think because I was envisioning it as a static, dot the i’s, cross the t’s type of arrangement.  After awhile I came to think that maybe the contract does not have be “set in stone” but rather an agreement of  ‘discovery.’ It could be fluid and evolving.

Unpredictable–I probably have a pretty solid handle on that one!