Thank you Natasa for your post that gave me just t…

Thank you Natasa for your post that gave me just the feedback I need at this juncture on my conduct of the M/literacies course in the manner of what I myself have learned from MOOCs. I sometimes feel guilty that my sessions appear scattered and incohesive to newcomers compared to the normal method of a moderator laying things out for you. In some courses I take I'd like things laid out too, but in a MOOC I don't expect that at all. And like you I expect to get from it what I get from it, and meet others like-minded, and benefit from the berries that look most delicious to me (I feel that both styles have their place, but that it is beneficial to at least experience alternate styles of learning – as Wesley Fryer pointed out in the 'keynote' I coopted from him). I have said this often but thank you for articulating this from the point of of view of one outside the developmental process, reporting on your experience with us. A big hug!