Uncertainty Can Be Wonderful

On Monday night, I had the opportunity to attend Dave Cormier’s webinar on Rhizomatic Learning. I’ve been to hundreds of webinars, and this one cracked my top 10. Seriously– it was that good. Go watch it right after you read this post.

Basically, I felt as if Dave had snuck inside my brain (scary place!) and figured out exactly how I learn really hard concepts. Essentially I meander through lots of different ideas, texts, tweets, and videos using social channels until I start to gain an initial understanding of the problem or issue. Although this system is incredibly inefficient and sometimes frustrating, the discoveries it has enabled were well worth the hassle.

This idea that a learning journey spreads organically reminded me of the Prezi below by Chrissi Miles. Learning is messy, it spreads in unusual ways, and it helps us respond to new problems. Uncertainty can be wonderful.