Step 1 Digital Growth Plan

I had a great day yesterday at the Technology Drive In Conference hosted by Griffin RESA.  My head was spinning with ideas and new technology tools!  Here are few of the tools that I learned about.

  • Blabberize
  • Go Animate
  • Voki
  • Smart tables, Smart boards, smart everything
  • Edmoto
  • Glogster

I also realized that I need some education on SIPA and COPA regulations before introducing web-based products to my students to be sure I’m in compliance.  I also learned about Digital Citizenship.  There is a huge responsibility that goes into posting to the web and how we are to communicate with those on the web. 

There is a systematic approach to introducing technology to students.  You need to ask yourself “why am I using technology?”.  It’s not really about the hardware/software.  It’s about changing the mindset of what teaching looks like.  Integrating technology is more than just moving from writing on paper to writing on whiteboards.  That’s still the same, except we’re using something that plugs into the wall!  I am glad to have heard this.  It is difficult to get away from the old ways.  The ways we were taught and the ways we have taught.  It’s also liberating to know that I don’t have to stand in front of the class and put on a show.  I shouldn’t be the exhausted one at the end of the day.  The children should be the ones dragging their tired bodies to the busses at the end of each day because they have worked  so hard!!

I’m still thinking about my digital growth plan.  I know I grew from this conference.  I think step one is all about me and my thoughts about the whole thing and connecting with others through social media to collaborate in the tech rhelm.  Take a look below at what the inside of my head looks like (ewww).  I’d love the feedback.