To be or not to be…connected?


Image: ‘Volvox ‘
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As we can read in Wikipedia

“Volvox is the most developed in a series of genera that form spherical colonies. Each mature Volvox colony is composed of numerous flagellate cells… The individual algae in some species are interconnected by thin strands of cytoplasm, called protoplasmates. They are known to demonstrate some individuality and working for the good of their colony, acting like one multicellular organism.”

When I am connected: Is it me or is it the connected me? Am I the same person? I think that some things may be different. This helps to know me better.

uy pto rico

Some times something amazing happens: These days, I got a mail from Puerto Rico (remember I live in Uruguay). Some students asked me for advice on a research they were doing. They even sent me an advance for me to read and comment. I was a little confused because I did not understand how they had contacted me. So I asked them. They found one of my articles through Google Scholar, read it and thought it had points of contact. They found my email in the article and contacted me.


The point is that it was the first time I realized, in its totality, the fact of “being connected”. I’m always coming into contact with “experts”, I´m the one which seeks to connect with others ! This encourages me to keep writing.

I could understand the issues that has been written in other blogs I came through in this # etmooc  Ordinary to you. Amazing to others.


(Also remember that I am practicing my English, so I apologize for mistakes)