#etmooc and Connected Learning

Picture taken from #etmooc slide

Picture taken from #etmooc slide

I learned a lot with #etmooc and Connected Learning. As educators using technology in many different ways, it’s super important that we continue to be lifelong learners, to collaborate, and continue to live as connected learners!

I really enjoyed  Alec’s & George Couros #etmooc Black Board live session last week!

Picture taken from #etmooc slide

Picture taken from #etmooc slide

Something that really struck me was:

-As teachers, we need to continue to have relationships with our students at school!

-As a teacher, we need to find ways to encourage kids to want to be in the school setting.

-That relationships are connections to learning.

-School is a location where you can connect with students.



-At the same time, when the school day gets busy, teachers need to take time to reflect! (Blog and journaling will help me with this process.)

In today’s classroom, the vision should be:

*1) Connect with our students and kids first!

*2) Use curriculum to teach them!

Picture taken from #etmooc slide

Picture taken from #etmooc slide













Looking forward to Topic # 2  Digital Storytelling that is running from February 3-16 on #etmooc
