My ETMOOC, My Doom

Five Card Story: My ETMOOC, My Doom

a #etmooc story created by Kirsten Tschofen

flickr photo by cogdogblog

flickr photo by cogdogblog

flickr photo by cogdogblog

flickr photo by cogdogblog

flickr photo by cogdogblog

Today, like so many other days recently, I missed the sense of proportion I used to have. It seemed like everything was always too-up-close-colourless. And lacking any way to know from where I was looking I lost my sense-making. I could not discern. It was as though someone had removed my eyes – cut them from my very head. I was left with other senses, but no way to pull them together out of their random chaos. I could feel that there were people around me, trying to help, to pull me in the right direction, but I hesitated, knowing I was being watched. Always I was aware of that fearful gaze upon me as I stumbled through the world, trying to make my way. Always, the same questions whirling through my mind. What kind of mind would take these pictures, and bring forth these images for the world to see? To what end? To what end? Surely this is my doom that approaches.