Welcome to semester 2! BYOD/T

Spanish 20/30 studentsSpanish 10










I am super pumped and excited for a new semester!

The first week came and went fast!  I can’t believe the second week of classes are already here!

This past fall, I allowed students to bring and use their own Devices and technology in my classroom (BYOD/T). It went well though with new things come with new challenges and problems.

I would say that out of all my students, 80 % used the technology (their own devices: cell phones, lap tops etc) wisely without abusing them. Though there are the 20 % who always abused the BYOD/T. Some students did random texting, watched You Tube or were found playing games on their devices. Though those who did not abuse BYOD/T, were able to complete tasks for class and even outside of class. Those who were shy who never liked to do presentations, we doing presentations via Glosgter, Animoto, You Tube etc.

Also, because I allowed BYOD/T in my room, 80% of students were respectful and did not abuse the system. They used it wisely for:

Calendars, calculators, notes, drop box, researching, dictionary in French and Spanish etc.

When students did not have BYOD/T I lent these students the school lap tops or my old devices.

I found that BYOD/T is not a novelty! It  is something that is useful and meaningful for all students.


-Students can be Digital Citizens

-Students can personalize their own learning

-Students can show their learning with different types of technology out there: You tube, Blogging, Twitter, Face book, Pinterest, Animoto and many more different forms of technology.

-Express their ideas in many ways (Blog, Twitter)

-Students can engage themselves in inquiry learning

Student using his cell phone as a research tool.

Student using his cell phone as a research tool.














This semester, I adapted my colleague’s idea of Technology Driver’s; licenses. It’s a like a three strikes you’re out rule. Basically this is how it goes:

1) Digital Citizenship is taught

2) Rules and regulations of BYOD/T are given to my students.

3) Technology rules and technology licenses are given out.

With one week in, out of 139 students, 2 students have one strike on their Technology license.

I’ll keep posted on this one!

Wish me luck!















Bellow is the handout I gave to all my students for semester 2:

This is a BYOD/T Classroom

(Bring Your Own Device/Technology)

Mrs. Gates is committed to moving forward with students in a 21st century learning environment. In my classroom, (for Educational purposes) students will have access to the wireless network using their own technology devices such as: Cell phone, I Pods, I Pads, laptops etc.

With direct teacher approval, students will be able to use their own devices in the classroom to access information from the internet. They will also be able to communicate with other language learners from around the world (Skype classroom).

Educational research has shown that Technology in the classroom:

-increases student engagement and success rates

-helps increase the quality and quantity of students work & writing

-promotes project based work while meeting subject area’s objectives

-promotes collaborative team work

Mme. Gates classroom rules for BYOD/T

(Bring Your Own Device/Technology)

1) Please take great care of your own device/technology.

-You are responsible for your own device, so take great care of it. If lost, broken or stolen it is your own responsibility. Please do not abuse it, lose it or let others misuse it. If you are borrowing someone else’s device please be careful and considerate.

2) Mme. Gates has FINAL SAY so please listen.

Do not bring gaming devices. I will make the final decision on what devices or internet tools are used.

3) WHILE IN CLASS DO NOT ACCESS: Video games and Facebook. You will only be allowed to access resources that are classroom related. Please keep your device away until I allow you to use it.You are responsible for accessing appropriate school resources. (The school monitors what you access, so make good choices. Failure to do so will result in no access to BYOD in our classroom for YOU.

4) When I am teaching or explaining a lesson, do not use your device. Turn your ringer off, do not make phone calls, receive phone calls and send random text messages.

Thom Trojan Technology License

The Thom Trojan Technology License permits the students to:

-grant access to the WIFI

-use technology in certain classrooms at Thom Collegiate

To maintain a Thom Trojan Technology Driver’s License, students must follow these rules:

-Staying focused on classroom tasks

No games

No social media unless you have been instructed to do so. (If unsure always ask!)

No bullying

No texting, Tweet or calling during instruction time

Use of different tools for school purpose only

Be respectful and use appropriate language

Use to stay organized

No use of inappropriate sites

If TTTL rules are not followed, the student’s technology license will be revoked. The student will lose all privileges of technology in the classroom setting for a certain time frame.

If Technology rules are broken 3 times, the students Technology license will be suspended for one month. . (Time frame will be teacher’s discretion)

Example of Trojan License:

         Thom   Trojan Technology License (TTTL)

This   Student: _________________________

Is   granted permission to use BYOD/T in Room: _____

Date   of issue: January 28th 2013

Expires:   June 17th 2013

*Failure   to followThom Trojan Technology Rules will result in license revocation.


(Technology License Information adapted from K. Evenson& T. Smith)