A personal story about learning… What I learned from my kids

Where do I start? I have learned so much. I could write a book. I’ll start with a post. I wrote this post a few months back but thought I would share it with #etmooc. Etmooc is all about sharing and learning. So maybe theres something to learn from my story, as I have learned from other stories.

This isn’t really about what I learned directly from Harrison, who’s six , and Sophie, who’s three. It’s more like Meandthekidswhat I learned because of them. I guess I could say the same thing about getting married to Joy. I could make a post-What I’ve learned from my wife- but I’ll save that for another day.

I’ve learned first of all, that they need me very much. More then I could ever imagine. Not just when they were babies but also now, and probably forever, if I’m lucky.

For ordinary things like food , shelter, clothing… and also toys, of course toys and yummy treats and a bottle, and juice please, and someone to play with, or watch a movie with, or help put on shoes. They also need love and hugs even if they don’t ask, and kisses on their foreheads and on their ouchies.

Sleeping Sophie

They need so much. They test and humble me everyday! It’s hard to accomplish some days, but I want to do it.  I understand now, even if I didn’t before what It means to be a parent. Maybe I see things differently now, since I have been their main care provider for the last couple of years.

I understand that parents must give themselves up, sometimes forgetting who they really are, making sacrifices, for our kids, so we can make the world a better place for them, or at least make their world, their life, the parts we can control, make that better, the best it possibly can be, no matter what. So they are happy, and loved and successful, and have all we wished for when we were young, …and more… so much more.

I think I have done that, I hope I have, well it is a work in progress.

I’ve also learned that if I am going to provide for them, and do it well, I have to be happy, with myself, with what I’m doing. For me that means working, as in having a job, making a difference, making a contribution, being creative, constructive. I’m not sure my previous career in real estate ever did that for me. I enjoyed working as an assistant teacher at a middle school more. Helping the students and teachers learn.  That’s why I went back to school. To learn a new profession so I could provide for my kids and provide for my own sense of well being.

I became fascinated with the process of learning after enrolling my son in an early education program. Discussing the curriculum and the science of teaching kids with the school director, struck a cord with me. I thought back about my former jobs and realized I had already been a teacher. I didn’t exactly have that title but I was often a trainer. I taught producers and copywriters how to best piece together their video project as an editor, I taught users how to best operate their Macintosh’s as a technician. I taught clients how to buy a house.

So, I started looking for jobs at schools. I found one that wanted me, and that set me off on a path towards a career in education. So its possible, if I never had my son, that I wouldn’t have discovered a passion for teaching. Wouldn’t have completed my masters, wouldn’t be here in #etmooc. Everything happens for a reason.


So what I’ve learned from my kids is how to become a better person. The steps to take, and that you should absolutely try to be better.

I aspire to improve, because of them. If I become smarter, learn more about life, learn how to navigate the ups and downs and how to be happy with who I am, learn some secrets of success, learn how to discover what I am passionate about or what I am good at, well then I’ve made myself better.

It’s something I’m working on, will always be working on. If I’m a better person, I will have more to contribute to my children’s well being. It’s an important discovery I learned because of Harrison and Sophie. It’s also a lesson I plan on teaching them.

Whats your story? I’d like to hear.

Filed under: ETmooc, Personal Notes Tagged: blog, etmooc